428 Swift Street, Albury
Feel free to browse our online selection at your own pace. Once you've made your choice, you can collect your purchase from our store as soon as an hour after your order, or at your convenience within the next seven days.
Feel free to browse our online selection at your own pace. Once you've made your choice, you can collect your purchase from our store as soon as an hour after your order, or at your convenience within the next seven days.
Your order will generally be made available for collection within 1 business hour. Please wait to recieve your email confirmation when your order is ready.
Orders are kept for a maximum of 14 days. After this time, the order will be cancelled and a refund will be processed back to the original payment method. Please allow up to 14 days for refunds to show in your account. Our customer service team will contact you when your order has been cancelled.
Yes, the person collecting your order will need to present a copy of the order confirmation as proof of purchase and present valid photo identification such as a passport or driving licence.
When collecting your order you must present a copy of the order confirmation and suitable photo identification such as a passport or driving licence.
428 Swift Street
The Essential Utensil - Albury